
Tips for Eating Healthy This Spring

50% off your first HelloFresh delivery with the code HELLOMACARONI

By Sponsored Content by HelloFresh April 10, 2014
Spring has sprung and summer is on the horizon, which means we’re all trying to cut back and eat healthier. But with a schedule that’s jam-packed with soccer games, concerts, and play dates, who has time to plan, let alone cook, a healthy dinner anymore? The team of chefs at HelloFresh is here to share some of their best tips to help you and your family eat healthy this spring – and all year round.

Portion Control
We know, you’ve heard this one before, but don’t let your head get ahead of your stomach. Sure, that extra scoop of ice cream would taste delicious, but are you really going to feel good (mentally and physically) after guzzling it down? Portion control is key to helping you to enjoy your favorite seasonal treats without overdoing it. Take your scoop of ice cream, then step away and savor it.

Everything in Moderation
We’re firm believers that you shouldn’t deprive yourself of the foods you love and make you happy. So if that happens to be ice cream or a cheeseburger at the neighborhood block party, go ahead and treat yourself! But try to do so within moderation.

Take a moment to look at your schedule for the week. When will you be around food that you simply cannot miss out on and when will you be around food that’s less than stellar? Plan your treats around these occasions. Your neighbor’s incredible homemade blueberry pie? Go for it! Same old, packaged ice cream from the grocery store? No thanks.

Cook at Home
This one is a toughie. You’re busy chauffeuring the kids from one activity to the next or trying to fill the empty days of summer vacation with somewhat of a routine, so cooking a fresh meal is about the last thing on your list of priorities. Hello, Chinese takeout! Again…

Avoid this situation by taking some time each week to plan out your meals for the week. Use a free Sunday afternoon to cook a few meals ahead, so all you have to do is pop dinner in the microwave when you get home. Or give us, HelloFresh, a try – you pick 3 recipes each week, we deliver the exact ingredients to your door, and you’ve got a home-cooked dinner in 30 minutes or less.

We know how busy this time of year can be, especially when you’re trying to stick to a healthy lifestyle, so we wanted to give you a little something to help you stick to it: 50% off your first HelloFresh delivery with the code HELLOMACARONI.

When armed with a few simple tips or strategies, you can take on the spring season so that you can have your ice cream and eat it, too!