
5 Unusual Ways to Use Baby Wipes


By Delaney Oser February 12, 2016
When my first child was born, almost 13 years ago, I had very minimal baby experience. I wasn’t nervous but I was a wee bit clueless. My mom hadn’t had an infant in 30 years and while she had tons wisdom to offer, there had been some major updates and improvements in products available! Luckily, my best friend was a few years ahead of me in parenting and was very helpful in bringing me up to speed. 

One of the first lessons she taught me – use a good wipe and you will need one or two for even the dirtiest diaper; use an inferior, cost-saving wipe and you may go through ten cleaning up the same mess. She was right! And, even years later I love that advice.  It’s why I trust Huggies Natural Care Wipes. They are gentle yet sturdy. Now having gone through the infant to toddler stage with three children, I swear by them. They are the best quality for the best price. The triple clean layers really work but are gentle enough for sensitive skin, which all three of my children have. Their simplest formula made of 99% water even works on their faces. 

When my oldest was about 15 months, she began day care. The workers there, who were wonderful, used wipes supplied by the school several times when cleaning her face. It would cause an immediate rash and then I would get a call that she has suspected Coxsackie virus. I would have to leave work and bring her to the Pediatrician to get a note that she did in fact not have the virus and after three times, the doctor finally wrote the day care a note forbidding them to use wipes on her face. I’m certain had they been using Huggies Natural Care Wipes we would not have had that experience. 

Right now, we are in the toddler years. My son is not potty trained and seems to get more resistant with each passing day. When you are changing the diaper of a strong, squirmy, three year old boy, you have to approach the experience ready to do battle. You need a good wipe, if you are not fast and effective, you are done for. Huggies Natural Care Wipes are still the best fit. 

You would think once the diaper years (right now it feels like decades) are over that the wipes would go by the wayside. Nope; they are invaluable. They clean sticky faces and fingers. When you have started your day and realize that those same sticky fingers left a mess all over your coat shoulder, it’s those same wipes that clean up Mom.  

Here are some ways I use baby wipes:

They are awesome at getting rid of that 5 o’clock shadow under your eyes from the mascara you applied in the early a.m.

Wipes quickly and efficiently clean up that little bit of nail polish that always goes outside the lines when you give yourself a mani/pedi – or better yet when you’ve decided to let one of your daughters give you a mani/pedi.

I have dusted the mantle, cleaned off electronics, taken marker off walls, wiped down a windowsill…they even can be attached to a Swiffer when you are out of refills and just have a small area to clean. Seriously, Huggies hold up to cleaning the floor. Perfect for wiping down the sink in the guest bathroom.

They are ideal for cleaning sticky cars seats.

Wipes are super necessary when traveling.

They can even “lick” an envelope for you.
My relationship with Huggies Natural Care Wipes will continue long after my little guy is (finally!) potty trained. Most moms I know keep a box in their car and a travel size in their hand bag. The Huggies Clutch ‘n’ Clean Carrier is perfect for this. We are moms; it’s our job to be problem solvers. Huggies Natural Care Wipes make it easy. 

This post is sponsored by Huggies Natural Care Wipes.